Nigel Nelson

Web-based, mobile-friendly Pokemon clone with original creatures and artwork. It's online multiplayer — have your friend open it up and play it with you!

Viral on Twitter in 2020 when I embedded the whole game in a tweet :)

Client is vanilla JavaScript, uses pixi.js for efficient drawing to a canvas element. Music and sound effects synthesized in real-time using my own gameboy audio library, APU. (More details further down!)

Server is written in Rust, using tokio and axum to provide the websocket API. Database is SQLite, Runs on a VPS running plain ol' Debian.

IPv4 Turf War

A worldwide competition where you must poke my webserver from as many different IP addresses as you can.

This reached the frontpage of Hacker News, and was flooded by traffic from many players with very aggressive strategies. While it did experience some partial outages, it handled ~600 requests/sec pretty well for a single $5 VPS! :)

Source available here. Vanilla JavaScript frontend + Lua backend. Why Lua? I wanted to try building something atop Redbean, an experimental high-performance web server. (Please go check out Redbean, it's very interesting!)

Web app for collaborative storytelling and writing. Over 30,000,000 posts have been sent from over 100,000 unique IP addresses.

The hosted version uses vanilla JavaScript with as the backend (which I ended up contributing to!) but there's also an older version available for self-hosting that uses Vue with a Go backend, which has been open-sourced.


gameboy-sound is an easy 3 kB JavaScript library for 98% accurate Gameboy audio in the browser!

Deliver authentic retro audio on your webpages in kilobytes, not megabytes!

Example usage on StackBlitz

ChatChat (HTML5 Port)

Terry Cavanagh's 2012 Flash game, ChatChat, became unplayable in 2021 due to the death of Flash player. This made me sad! So I contacted Terry, and with his permission and feedback, built the official HTML5 port of this beloved Flash game.

Plain JavaScript client and server. Source is available here.

facebook 2

extremely serious idea :) hacked together during the facebook outage of 2021

Most likely contains user-generated NSFW text; you have been warned!

Tone's Adventure

Unfinished homebrew Gameboy Color game. Yes, it works on a real Gameboy Color!

Although it was never finished, several demos are available to download. The easiest way to play them is by using a browser-based Gameboy emulator, such as GameBoy Online (in-browser)

Source is available here. Written in C, compiled with GBDK.